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Delicious, once you get past the spikes

Delicious, once you get past the spikes

If you were hiking in Grand Canyon National Park and hungry, you might reach for a granola bar in your backpack. But if you were out of food entirely, there’s actually an unexpected source of nouri … read more
First people. Best art.

First people. Best art.

Celebrate the people of the canyon’s creativity. Approximately 5 million people visit Grand Canyon National Park each year. Before this unique natural world became a national park, 11 different t … read more
Conservation is grand

Conservation is grand

How we’re working to minimize environmental impactsThe thing about natural wonders of the world is that there’s only seven of them. There’s the Grand Canyon, northern lights, Great Barrier Reef, Mount … read more
Where the darkest nights truly shine

Where the darkest nights truly shine

Close your eyes and picture the Grand Canyon. What do you see? Even if you’ve never been there, you probably have an idea what it looks like. Massive, orange-and-red canyon. Winding Colorado River. … read more
Fresh, yet familiar

Fresh, yet familiar

For South Rim visitors, Babbitt’s General Store is a popular stop. The story of this merchant is as rich as the offerings on its shelves, which includes popular Pendleton blankets. Learn how Babbit … read more

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